Saturday, November 24, 2007

Some updates

Apologies for the lack of posts lately.  Things have been kind of crazy the last few weeks. I'll spare you most of the mundane details; but in a nutshell work has been pretty busy with our annual internal audit earlier this month, and several other small but time consuming projects.  Also our 14 year old cat was diagnosed with Diabetes which has forced us to make a very difficult decision about whether or not to treat it.  Treatment would be special food and insulin injections twice a day for the remainder of his days.  This is particularly hard for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which is that we've raised him since he was 4 weeks old, so you can imagine the difficulty of this decision. 

So we have decided to let nature run its course and are not treating him. We both felt that he's had a good life and we don't want to put him through that.  This is the 2nd pet in a year we've had diagnosed with a serious illness - we had to put our other cat to sleep about a year ago.  You know when you choose to adopt a pet that this day will come, but man it's not easy when it does.

Still working on getting an album of pics from Paris finalized and posted.  Stick with me, I'll try and do better.